Updated: 19 April 2000
Up from the ashes....once again.
Monkey Fiction will no longer have a counter on its site, because, quite frankly, I don't care anymore. In fact, I even wonder why I'm still deciding to update this page every four months. Actually I do. I have the hopes that there's some little kid out there that loves Monkey Island as much as I used who can't get enough of it, thus searches for fan fiction to satisfy his hunger. Of course, this child will soon grow out of this craze (Anyone ever hear of Melee Island Productions? Rottingbeef's Monkey Island Page? Plunder Island? How about Booty Island?), and will find other interests. The magic doesn't last long. But this site is here in case you're still spellbound.
I will still write my own short story about MI every once and a while, but for now you can look forward to the re-release of my old MI4 Story, but REVISED.

Remember, if you are the author of any of these stories and haven't been given credit,
E-Mail Me.
The Specter of Monkey Island by Chris Ratcliff
The Secret of Monkey Island by Chris Ractliff
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge by Chris Ratcliff
The Curse of Monkey Island - ???
Guybrush and LeChuck Duke it Out in D.C. by Chris Ratcliff
Guybrush Threepwood, Master Swordsman by Chris Ratcliff
Pirating on Land by Chris Ratcliff
Oscar by Chris Ratcliff
Space Pirates - An Ongoing Novel by Chris Ratcliff
Monkey Island 2 Library Catalog  compiled by Chris Ratcliff
The Secret of Monkey Island by Christopher Gerrard (Hosted at The Scumm Bar)
Evil Cubed - ???
The Quest of Monkey Island - ???
The Curse of Monkey Island  - ???
The World of Monkey Island's Fan Novels Section - Holds six stories!
The Secret of Monkey Island Comic by Iris Dragt
The Secret of Monkey Island by Harkenblugen Lugen
Deeper in Monkey Island - ???
The Mask of Medusa - ???
The Attack of the Sea Monkeys - ???
King Guybrush, the Conquerer - Rottingbeef
The Tale of Funky Isle- Rottingbeef
The Goodsoup Family's History Book - Rottingbeef
Sir Guybrush Threepwood, the Knight - Rottingbeef
LeChuck: The Deep Darkness - ???
Lemonhead the Tyrant - Rottingbeef
Monkey Island Lightbulb Jokes - ???
Young Lindy, The Cabin Boy - Rottingbeef
Burning the Jolly Roger by WhiteFire
The Evil King TeZuck - Rottingbeef
Wally's Revenge - Rottingbeef
Guybrush Geekhood - Rottingbeef

Goodbye, Good Night, and God Bless.