Sir Guybrush Threepwood, the Knight In the Medieval Ages, there lived a knight named Sir Guybrush. He killed ghosts, demons, the such, but one day, a woman came into town, and she was the daughter of King Marley, the ruler of the Marley Islands, a VERY rich, Multi-Billionaire! He was a fat and noble man, and always jolly. He came to the Township of Threpweed to find a knight to marry his daughter. All the knights lined up, for the test of marrying the daughter, known as Elaine Marley. The first knight, Sir BeLuck, stepped up to fight an evil dragon in the land of Ooblaz, where the worst monsters lived; Trolls, Undead Zombies and Skeletons, Dragons and Demons and tons more. He never returned...All the other knights died and became BeLuck's Ghost Army. Guybrush was afraid to go, so he stayed in the town and made excuses of being the only knight left and having to protect the town and all that, which he had to. About a week later, BeLuck and his Army stormed the town, slaying hundreds at a time. Guybrush got on his horse, and took out his sword. He whacked at a knight a few times, but his sword just went through it. The knight laughed and pulled out a large mace and smashed it into Guybrush's left rib cage. Guybrush fell to the ground, bloodied and hurt. He ran away and ran to the town bar, he picked up a crate o' rootbeer and through it at a group of knights, they all fell to the ground and started to melt. After the whole army was dead, BeLuck was still left... The next thing Guybrush noticed was a ghostly horse with a ghostly ghost bearing a huge battle axe charging at him. The axe slice Guybrush's armor, and piercing him in the right arm. He screamed with agony, then he threw three bottles o' root beer at the horse, BeLuck fell off the horse and yelled, "Darrrrghh! Yer gonna regret this Threepwood!" He charged at Guybrush with the axe in both of his hands. He let the axe fall over Guybrush's head...But Guybrush moved his head in the right time, then he threw some rootbeer on the axe, the axehead fell off, but the metal handle was still there. BeLuck whacked Guybrush a few times, then Guybrush finished BeLuck off with a crate of root beer. The kings and queens and all of those people congradualated Guybrush by letting him marry Elaine, and they had fifteen children...Boy did Guybrush have fun!!!!!!! The End!