How many Guybrushes does it take to change a lightbulb? a) Only one, but he'll brag about it on campfires for years b) Two, one to change it and another to announce that this is the second biggest lightbulb he's ever seen c) (if the bulb is in Elaine Marley's mansion) One, but he needs a staple remover, a manual of style, some gopher repellent, a file, some grog-o-mint and wax lips to do it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Largo LaGrandes does it take to change a lightbulb? Four: One to remove it, one to bury it, one to revive with a voodoo spell, and one to reinstall it and worship it as his master. (Or maybe five: One more to pursue Guybrush, who broke it in Part One) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Herman Toothrots does it take to change a lightbulb? One? Two? Three? Four? Five? Twenty-three? Forty-two? Six hundred and sixty six? Seven times seven? Pi? Infinite? ...All numbers? (Correct!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Wallys does it take to change a lightbulb? a) One, as soon as he finds his monocle. b) One... "But you'll have to close your eyes first!" (easy version only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Stans does it take to change a lightbulb? None. He won't change it, but sell it at Stan's Previously Owned Lightbulbs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Spiffy The Dogs does it take to change a lightbulb? Woof: Arf ruff lightbulb arf wuff bark woof arrf. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Scumm Bar pirates does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but you'll have to ask him about Loom first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Woodtick Woodsmiths does it take to change a lightbulb? None. Chainsaw's out of gas. (D'oh) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many LeChucks does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but you'll need some stuff to get him going: Something of the Thread, something of the Head, something of the Dead... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Maaad Martys (the laundry guy) does it take to change a lightbulb? "Whose bad parties got strange when a fight bulged?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Governor Phatts does it take to change a lightbulb? "(Gulp) *bruAOrrp* Oops, that was a lightbulb?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Swordmasters of Melee Island does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but you've got to know how to make her do it: The correct response to her taunt "You fight like a three-headed monkey" is "And you're so dim, you can't even change that lightbulb over there". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Poodles does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they're dead. SLEEPING! They're sleeping. Yeah. Sleeping. That's what I meant to say. (No animals were harmed during the production of these jokes.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Elaine Marleys does it take to change a lightbulb? One. (What are you looking at? Finally someone in the game who can take care of their business properly!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many three-headed monkeys does it take to change a lightbulb? I don't know, but go and ask. There's one standing right behind you.